Saturday, July 31, 2010

Masing Lies In Futile Bid To Defend His Lord Taib

Dr James Masing The Liar
"Masing 'the good storyteller' fails to defend the indefensible Taib"

By Apang and John Riwang

So James anak Masing was in England, accompanying his white-haired lord Taib Mahmud. Taib had been whacked during this overseas trip, and so we made an interesting discovery, via Bernama, that James Masing is a great storyteller himself.

No matter how our cynical minds work, we are sure we aren’t the only ones to expect James Masing be the first to jump to Taib’s defense, following his lord’s unceremonious entrance and exit at Oxford University.

Since Taib is someone who is often spoilt with grand entrances and exits wherever he goes, with no shortage of boys and girls with wagging tails rushing to kiss his hand, we hope that he managed to keep his blood pressure under control. Or at least that he managed to endure the slight dent to his ego.

As usual, Bernama had to put out something to counter the humiliation that Taib and his entourage must have felt in Oxford. After all, protestors had reminded him that although he could conveniently sneak out of the state, he certainly couldn’t escape his atrocious deeds.

We knew Masing would come to the fore to defend Taib. In his interview with Bernama, he tried desperately to express some rather banal rhetoric about being ready to engage with NGOs on the “Penan issue” (and as a storyteller, he tried his level best).

Unfortunately for Masing, his pathetic argument about the protestors being “influenced by commodity producers like soybean and rapeseed which compete with palm oil in the export market” turned him into an inept clown with the (dis)ability to spin great stories.

See the rest of this article at Hornbill Unleashed "Masing 'the good storyteller' fails to defend the indefensible Taib".

See also DayakBaru "The government is telling half truth again".

Friday, July 30, 2010

SCORE - Sarawak Cronies' Orgy of Relentless Embezzlement

"Abdul Taib Mahmud is surrounded by sycophants. They hang on his every word and extol his every move.

The media, controlled by the  government and its affiliated logging firms, invariably report his policies and speeches as works of genius.

The Borneo Post reported that Taib had delivered a “keynote address” to the Said Business School in Oxford, quoting his rather banal and wordy speech extensively.  Perhaps Taib’s speechwriters had something original to say, but if so, I found it indecipherable, even after reading the report twice.

The newspaper mentioned meekly at the end of the article that the conference was organised by the Said Business School together with Tanjung Manis Halal Hub, a component of the Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy (SCORE). This means the people of Sarawak, through SCORE and the government, paid for the conference and for the lavish holiday of Taib’s retinue of press and ministers. 

I might point out that one meaning of “score” is to “cut, slash, mark or notch”. SCORE will definitely leave its mark, or scar, on Sarawak, long after Taib is dead and gone (and unmourned).

The theft of natural resources, the loss of taxpayers’ hard-earned money to the Sarawak Cronies’ Orgy of Relentless Embezzlement, and the environmental destruction wrought by the mega-projects and their associated corruption, will burden us for many years".

See the rest of this article by Pak Bui at Hornbill Unleashed "Taib Mahmud: through the looking glass".

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Embarrassed Taib Slinks Into & Sneaks Out of Oxford

You Can Run But You Can't Hide - Taib spotted through the Goldfish Bowl windows as he is bundled into a side room

"The protest certainly denied Taib his grand entrance.  He had been due to arrive in style, greeted by the University’s Vice Chancellor (the sponsorship must have been huge) to give the opening speech for the two-day conference, but he ended up being sneaked in past the protesters and ushered in through the back of the building.  A break-away group who spotted his entry surrounded his car and waived their banners in disgust...

...As Taib left after his speech the demonstrators’ success in photographing him both from inside the conference hall and the outside, through the glass, created havoc amongst Taibs security men.  Burlesque scenes ensued as they rushed round the building lowering blinds and pulling screens in front of the glass walls to protect their horrified boss from the glare of unwelcome publicity.

It was clearly a rare and unwelcome experience for Taib Mahmud, a specialist in managed press and  mass personal protection.  As the laughter grew on the outside, his party on the inside was publicly ruined.  That’s the problem with turning up in a free country Taib and we bet you think twice about doing it again any time soon."

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sarawak Headhunter's Email To The Oxford University Council On Taib Mahmud

The following is Sarawak Headhunter's email to the Oxford University Council on Taib Mahmud's invitation to speak at the "Oxford Global Islamic Branding and Marketing Forum" 26-27 July, 2010:

The Oxford University Council  <>

Dear Sirs,

It has come to our attention that Taib Mahmud, erstwhile Chief Minister of Sarawak, has been invited to speak on "The role of Muslim nations in rebuilding today’s global economy" at the Oxford Global Islamic Branding and Marketing Forum to be held between 26-27 July 2010.

That is rather ironic considering the environmental and economic destruction and devastation he has brought to the land and native communities of his own State through uncontrolled logging, corruption, self-enrichment, dam-building, forcible displacement of natives from their ancestral (native customary rights) lands, etc.

You may read the full reports at Sarawak Headhunter's blog and Sarawak Report, amongst many other blogs and websites concerned about the dire plight of the poor natives and other people of Sarawak.

Taib Mahmud is certainly one of the most corrupt politicians in Malaysia and has cheated, bribed and intimidated his way into many electoral "victories". The only reason he has not been investigated or charged with corruption is the reluctance of the Federal Government to let the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission to do its job, since the very survival of the present ruling party, the Barisan Nasional, having lost 5 states to the opposition in the previous national elections, depends on the number of seats which the state component parties led by him contribute.

No Sarawakian in his right mind would consider him to be "the most successful Chief Minister since Independence" - the most corrupt, surely!

His leadership has certainly not transformed Sarawak from a poor and backward State to one of the most progressive state in the country now as his "biography" on your website puts it. Sarawakians would certainly like to know who the people are that are enjoying five times better standard of living as compared to that in the early years of Independence.

At least 60% of the population of Sarawak are barely surviving on an income of RM300 (USD100) or less per month, way below the official poverty level. Tens of thousands of natives who have been unable to find jobs in the state or who have been kicked off their land by Taib's uncaring government to make way for his and his family's crony loggers and plantation developers, have migrated to Malaya and elsewhere to seek employment.

The so-called era of massive industrialisation and the implementation of High Income Economy heralded by the Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy or SCORE is not going to benefit the ordinary people of Sarawak other than to keep them enslaved to the neo-feudal system set up by Taib. The "High Income" will only accrue to Taib, his family, their cronies and henchmen.

Indisputably, Taib is the architect of Sarawak's exploitation, corruption and devastation. He has spared no efforts in galvanizing his family, cronies and henchmen and various political parties and machinery of the government to become a dynamic force in that exploitation, corruption and devastation, which will ensure that Sarawak will remain their personal fiefdom up to the year 2020 and beyond.  

Is this a man whom you would want to be associated with "Global Islamic Branding and Marketing"?

Al Tugauw
Sarawak Headhunter

This email was also sent to the following recipients:

Said Business School <>;
Muslim Council of Britain <>;
Said Business School Conference Office <>; <>;
Said Business School Director Development & Corporate Relations <>;
Said Business School Press Office <>; <>; <>; <>;
Media Prima <>;
Dinar Standard <>

Friday, July 23, 2010

Independence For Sarawak - The Road Ahead

"No person from Sabah and Sarawak has ever been appointed to the Board of Directors of Petronas or its many subsidiary companies.
Except for a small percentage to Bintulu in Sarawak, the oil and gas reserves of both states are largely siphoned out to Peninsular Malaysia to feed oil and gas industries there. Both states are largely denied Petronas contracts and there's hardly any oil and gas infrastructure in the two states.
What takes the cake for Sabah's and Sarawak's eagerness to exit the Malaysian Federation is also a combination of other factors, including the lack of security in Malaysia, their continued colonisation by "Malaya", the Muslim Peninsular Malay hegemony of their states through local proxies, stooges and traitors in perpetuity, the disenfranchisement of the native communities in particular through illegal immigration, the continued loss of their native land to Peninsular Malaysian companies, and overall the grinding poverty which relegates both states to the bottom of the dung heap."
"Two NGOS, the Common Interest Group Malaysia (Cigma) and the Borneo Heritage Foundation (BHF), have brought forward by three years their plans for a whole day seminar jointly-organised by them on the formation of Malaysia.
The seminar, Malaysia '63 - The Promised Revisited, was originally scheduled for Sept 16, 2013 in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of the formation of the federation. Now, it will be held on July 31 in Kota Kinabalu, according to Cigma chairperson Jeffrey Kitingan (right). "We are going public now to whip up maximum interest in the issues for July 31." 
"There are many issues to sort out before the 50th year watershed," added Jeffrey, also BHF chairperson, in explaining the curtain-raiser. "The catalyst was provided by history professor Ranjit Singh's recent bombshell in (Kota Kinabalu) that Malaysia has degenerated into a unitary state - strong centre, weak states - over the years.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

BN Malayan Lies About Malaysian Poverty Levels

From the Malaysian Insider, "How poor are we, really?":

"“Our poverty level looks good on paper but woefully ignores reality. We are so obsessed with selling this story that we are a success.”

Statistics are supposed to accurately measure our economic environment, so that in this case, pin-point policies to deal with poverty can be crafted.

The government has begun scaling back subsidies so that they would only benefit those they are meant for — the poor.

How is it supposed to do this if we cannot even accurately measure who the poor are?"

What this article doesn't say is that the BN government is actually lying about the incidence of poverty amongst Malaysians. There is also a big gap between the rich and the poor that the government doesn't want people to know about. As long as they can continue deceiving the people, this gap will always be there and will be used as a means of controlling the general population so that they will forever remain in power and continue to enrich themselves at the expense of the poor.