Saturday, December 25, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
How To Defeat BN In Next Sarawak State Elections In 2011
1. Register as a voter.
2. Ensure that all your friends and family members who are eligible register as voters. Every vote counts.
3. Identify your polling area and state election boundaries.
4. Identify how and where you and as many of your friends as you can gather and work together with want to be active. The opposition needs all the activists and supporters they can get to change the government. Change will not take place without effort. Each and every effort counts.
5. Do not leave everything only to the political parties or their candidates – they may be overstretched and have insufficient resources. Volunteer your effort where necessary.
6. These are a few areas you can be active in without having to be a member of any political party:
a. Information – disseminate information through the various media available to you: the internet, newspapers, tv & radio, leaflets, pamphlets, newsletters, email, weblogs, etc. Translate where necessary.
b. Get organized. Organize small groups of activists and supporters in each voting area or district with defined objectives. Every effort counts.
c. Train as polling agents and counting agents – these are absolutely necessary and needed during the actual voting -and make yourselves known to the potential opposition candidates and parties who will be contesting in the areas where you can be active. Coordinate efforts.
d. Get hold of the electoral roll (list of voters) for particular areas so that you know where and on whom to concentrate your efforts. Get to know and influence as many other voters as you can.
e. Pool together resources and money for your own and your group’s activities or donate to the opposition candidates. They need all the resources and money they can get. Every sen counts.
7. Ensure you have all the necessary permits for various activities during the election campaign, whether to campaign, speak, put up posters and banners or become polling or counting agents. Each candidate will be able to assist you in this.
8. Do not be intimidated by BN’s machinery and propaganda. They depend on the voters to win. The opposition depends on the voters to win. Educate the voters.
9. Do not be intimidated by BN’s use of money and projects to bribe the voters. Drum the message into the voters’ heads and hearts to take the money and vote against BN.
10. Get together and form defences in each voting area, kampong and longhouse. Intimidate BN instead. Do not allow them any room to manouever and spread their propaganda or money. Put up prominent warning signs that action according to the law will be taken against any attempt by BN to intimidate voters or use money to bribe voters.
11. If you are daring enough and have the numbers on your side, keep an eye on their agents, ambush them and take this money away from them. Use it for your own campaign activities. They will not dare to lodge any police reports because they will have to explain what they are doing with so much money during election time.
12. Keep an eye on those who will be distributing money on behalf of BN and conducting activities which constitute electoral offences. Photograph, record and videotape them in action. This will not only intimidate them, but can also be used in court in the event of an election petition.
13. Keep a sharp eye on all government officials and Election Commission staff, who will normally be up to no good during the whole of the election period. They will use government staff, machinery, equipment, vehicles, even helicopters to campaign for BN. Catch them in action on camera and video camera. This time make sure they cannot do so as freely as they have done in the past.
14. Organize and mobilize transport of all forms, motorbikes, cars, vans, buses, not just for campaign purposes but also on the crucial voting days, to transport voters to and from the voting centres. Make sure that the voters turn out to cast their vote for the right candidates.
15. Voters sympathetic to the opposition may not like it, but in the event the opposition cannot supply enough transport, make sure that they use transport supplied by BN and still vote for the opposition.
16. All these things need to be ORGANIZED. Do not take anything for granted or leave it to chance or think that someone else, especially the candidates and their party machinery, is doing it. YOU and your friends have to do it.
17. Add to these points. All ideas are welcome.
18. Every victory against evil has a tipping point, and that tipping point could be you. Do not under-estimate your own strength.
19. Do not expect any rewards or compensation from the political parties and their candidates. Victory against Taib and BN is reward in itself.
20. Good luck! Allah does not change the fate of people unless they themselves make an effort to change for the better. May your efforts bear fruit and result in the overthrow of the evil Taib and BN regime for your own sake and that of your future generations.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Lessons Of The PKR Debacle
Lessons of the PKR Debacle (Tweets by Sarawak Headhunter):
1. Practise what you preach. If you don't, your hypocrisy will be on show. If you can't, stop preaching.
2. Don't talk about reform if you can't reform yourself first.
3. What you require of others, expect others to require of you.
4. Don't pretend to be a saint if you are not. You will be found wanting when called to account.
5. Pretending all is well when it isn't is a sign of self-delusion attempting to perform mass delusion.
6. What applies to UMNO/BN also applies to PKR/Pakatan & vice versa. The truth will always prevail, inspite of us.
7. Hidden agendas have a way of making themselves known the more they are hidden.
8. In Age of Internet shutting people up is an impossible & futile task, only thing to do is face not evade issues.
(To be continued)
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Special Meeting Of Pastors & Church Leaders, Miri 15-11-2010
To All concerned Christians,
George Chan & his latest 'Toy' an Orang Ulu lady. What happened to his Chinese 2nd wife the organist?
Will our men of God our shepherds ie our pastors and church leaders stand up firmly against the evils of BN! BN banned our importation of our bibles from Indonesia, banned our use of Allah, BN took our NCR lands etc NOW BN WANTS TO USE OUR PASTORS AND CHURCH LEADERS! Don't you think this is a humiliation and a disgrace to our God!
Let's Fight Against the Forces Of Darkness
Received via email from Diew Yet.
This Councillor Dennis Ngau Jok (younger brother of former SIB President Jok Wan) Telang Usan PBB Youth Chief is organising a special meeting of Pastors and Church leaders on Monday next week ie 15.11.2010 in Miri and Dennis is inviting the womaniser who is also SUPP's useless President George Chan to attend the meeting.

Will our men of God our shepherds ie our pastors and church leaders stand up firmly against the evils of BN! BN banned our importation of our bibles from Indonesia, banned our use of Allah, BN took our NCR lands etc NOW BN WANTS TO USE OUR PASTORS AND CHURCH LEADERS! Don't you think this is a humiliation and a disgrace to our God!
Dennis's own Long Bedian SIB Church and longhouse is split bcos of his and Lihan Jok's BN/PBB politics, so what role model is he and George Chan?! Please pass this on. Call our SIB President on this and most important of all, pray to our Almighty God for our guidance and protection in all this development.
Let's Fight Against the Forces Of Darkness
Received via email from Diew Yet.
Launch Of BERSIH 2.0
We, the BERSIH 2.0 steering committee, invite your organisation to join and unite with us to advance clean and fair elections in Malaysia. Much still needs to be done and Bersih 2.0 needs your support and help to make the mission come true for a democratic Malaysia.
BERSIH 2.0 believes that it is only when elections are clean and fair, can citizens determine their own destiny and expect holders of public office to act accountably and effectively. The road to electoral reform is part and parcel of the democratic process to put into place the rule of law, human rights protection, good governance and sustainable development in Malaysia. As citizens we can make this our reality.
The key issues of electoral reform include:
1. A complete revision of the electoral roll to ensure that the existing irregularities are removed and a roll with full integrity is in place.
2. The use of indelible ink (as is done in Indonesia and India) to prevent multiple voting.
3. The reform of postal voting to abolish the existing separate electoral roll for postal voters and to make it flexible for all voters, at home or abroad, with valid reasons to opt for postal voting.
4. Free and fair media access for all contesting parties, which should include: (a) free access to state-owned media especially television and radio; (b) fair paid access (political advertisement) to private media; and (c) provision of the right of reply for all contesting parties and personalities who are covered negatively in news reports.
5. A meaningful minimum campaign period of 21 days.
6. Fair and professional practices in constituency redelineation exercises to minimise malapportionment, gerrymandering and consequent disproportionality in seats and votes.
7. Automatic registration of all eligible voters.
8. Reduction of the voting eligibility age from 21 to 18 years old.
9. Reform in electoral financing to ensure transparency and limit the influence of money politics.
10. Administrative neutrality of all levels of governments before, during and after general and by-elections for the federal and state legislatures.
11. Affirming the right of all students of 18 years and above, to participate in politics inside and outside campus.
Bersih 2.0, whilst acknowledging the importance of the reform agenda of Bersih, is now relaunched as a fully non-partisan coalition of civil society groups. It is a movement of ordinary citizens asserting the right of all, to clean and fair elections as guaranteed by law. We must ensure our votes and voices count.
We, therefore, warmly invite you and your organisations to join us and extend your full support to ensure that the next election and future ones will be clean, fair and democratic.
The details of the launch are as follows:
Date: 10 November 2010 (Wednesday)
Time: 8.30 p.m. – 10.30 p.m.
Venue: PJ Civic Hall, Jalan Yong Shook Lin, Petaling Jaya.
Please bring your members and friends to the launch. You can contact Nurul at 03-77844977 for more information. If you have not joined BERSIH 2.0 as a member, we have enclosed a membership form for your action.
Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan
The Steering Committee of BERSIH 2.0 comprises:
Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan, (Chairperson), Andrew Khoo, Arumugam K., Dr Farouk Musa, Haris Ibrahim, Liau Koh Fah, Maria Chin Abdullah, Richard Y W Yeoh, Dr Toh Kin Woon, Dr Wong Chin Huat, Yeoh Yang Poh and Zaid Kamaruddin.
Monday, November 8, 2010
The Sarawak Headhunter's Curse Be Upon Anwar & Azmin
The Sarawak Headhunter's Curse be upon Anwar and Azmin - May they never make it to Putrajaya!
Nov 8, 2010
Category: Press Release
I wish to announce my withdrawal as a candidate from the contest of Deputy President of Parti Keadilan Rakyat and my resignation from all posts held in the party.
I was offered to join this party under the belief that I could promote enlightened and progressive politics; nurture and develop principled political values and culture that I consider indispensable to the development of democracy and good governance in this country. I was mistaken.
Over the course of the party elections, events have shown that the leadership actively condones malpractices and electoral fraud to achieve its designed objectives. I am certain that any political party with such hypocritical and false values will not be able to offer meaningful reforms to the people of this country.
I have made this decision because there is no attempt on the part of the party leadership to address the various issues of manipulation and unfair electoral practices, although these issues were raised repeatedly.
I wish to thank all the members who have supported me and placed their faith in the cause of reform. It is of utmost disappointment that I am unable to continue in this flawed election process. I remain committed to the Opposition’s cause and will continue to speak about the issues of the common people. Together, we will continue our unabated struggle towards a better government for the people.
Finally, I hope those adoring fans of Anwar Ibrahim will no longer regard me as a “spoiler” standing in the way of their march to Putrajaya. I wish them well.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
How Taib Conspired With Malaya In the Colonization Of Sarawak
Empowering Through History - Conclusion
By Bunga Pakma

All we can do now is vote. What is passed has been done. We make the future for ourselves.
See also:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 and
Part 4.
By Bunga Pakma
On 16 September 1963, all the elements were in place for the unfolding of a political story which, whatever its outcome would be, was certain to go through strange and wrenching twists of plot. Some of these elements were clear to see, others hidden.
It must have crossed many observers’ minds that the component states that made up this new “Malaysia” were an odd quartet. Malaya was a patchwork of small states, most of them feudal régimes headed by Malay kinglets. Singapore was a commercial city-state, predominantly Chinese with a strong British cast, but wholly business. Sarawak—Britain’s last pukka colony—had been ruled by a white family for 100 years, and Sabah had emerged from the strange position of being run by a Limited Company.
Each partner-to-be in the Malaysian enterprise joined with vastly differing experiences and expectations. The only thing they had in common was that each territory was home to a bewildering variety of peoples, languages and cultures, and none of these people had ever known anything except authoritarian rule. Upon what did they believe they were to agree?
As we have seen, Malaysia was a marriage of convenience, particularly for the convenience of the Malayan élite and the British. Love had no place in the arrangement, and inevitably members would be fighting as to who “wore the pants” in the foursome. KL took a traditional Islamic view of the federation. KL was the husband, and he took three wives. Singapore disputed KL’s position and demanded to be treated as an equal partner. KL booted Singapore out of Malaysia.
That left Semenanjung and Sabah and Sarawak. KL was hardly as noble as D’Artagnan, and the principle that governed Federal/East M’sian relations was not “One for all and all for one.” The mere notion of treating others as equal partners is as repugnant to the Malay élite as a ham sandwich.
My main source for today’s piece is Michael Leigh’s The Rising Moon: Political Change in Sarawak, published by Sydney University Press 1974. Much has happened since then, but Leigh’s study remains quite fresh. The pattern of Sarawak/Semenanjung relations Leigh demonstrates at the very beginning of Malaysia remains intact today.
The Peninsular élite—and that includes the Tunku—may not have consciously thought the word “colonize” in connection with Sarawak, but their actions declared that this was their aim. Sarawak’s first chief minister, Stephen Kalong Ningkan, explicitly voiced his concerns at Peninsular neo-colonialism. Ningkan was a Sarawak patriot and a tough fighter. He had most Sarawakians behind him. Alas, he was nourishing a viper in his bosom.
A young Melanau man named Abdul Taib bin Mahmud had taken a degree in Law at the University of Adelaide in 1960 and was thus one of the very few natives qualified for government service. He, together with his uncle Abdul Rahman bin Ya’kub, was a founder-member of the party Barisan Ra’ayat Jati Sarawak. Leigh comments:
“…[BARJASA] served to underline and help perpetuate the most basic cleavage within the Malay community, one which had disrupted personal relationships from the time of Cession. The chairman… the highest ranking Sibu Malay…had clashed bitterly with the Datu Bandar…” (30)
BARJASA, then, was created to further personal jealousies and ambitions, not issues. BARJASA was a component of the Alliance (modeled on that of Malaya) formed in 1962. BARJASA had close ties with and received much support from their Peninsular counterparts.
Taib did not stand for election next year. Nonetheless, his party won 20% of seats in the Council Negri and he was appointed to the first cabinet as Minister of Communications and Works. His uncle Ya’kub (sic) went to KL as Deputy Minister and worked directly with Razak.
Ningkan faced crisis after crisis in his few years as chief minister. The Tunku had no patience with Ningkan’s insistence on Sarawak’s states rights (including the retention of English), and was irritated by the squabbling among Sarawak Malay leaders.
There is a gap in the narrative as Leigh tells it. In June 1966 twenty-one Alliance members of the Council Negri signed a petition stating they had lost confidence in Kalong Ningkan and demanded his removal. This was presented to the Tunku, and the Tunku dismissed Ningkan.
Ningkan, says Leigh, believed that his accusers had been flown to KL in order to sign the paper there. What is left unclear to me is: 1) What was the efficient cause for such a drastic step? (I say “drastic” because a vote of no confidence must constitutionally be put to the Council in session; a piece of paper is not a vote.) 2) Who organized the petition? Leigh implies that Taib was the man who brought these signatures to the Tunku (105). Can we infer that Taib was the principle mover behind the plot to oust Ningkan?
With plenty of help from KL, a new Sarawak government was formed under Tawi Sli, Dayak, but a more compliant fellow, in July. Taib promptly created a new ministry for himself. This new Ministry of Development and Forestry “cut across the lines of responsibility in a number of departments,” in other words, Taib could make decisions on his own without consulting any other ministry. That’s power.
The Supreme Court declared Ningkan’s dismissal unconstitutional. Acting PM Razak rushed to Kuching and tried to arrange a quick no-confidence vote. Ningkan managed to block that, so Razak declared a state of emergency. My, how easy. Then Razak changed the Federal constitution, and sacked Ningkan for good. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
Ya’kub and Taib rebranded themselves as Party Bumiputra in 1968. Voting in the General Election started 10 May 1969, and we all know what happened then. Parliamentary democracy was cancelled for a year. Elections were re-run in June 1970. Early next month PM Razak flew to Kuching and cut a deal that put Ya’kub (sic) in as Chief Minister.
So this Melanau family at last succeeded in founding a dynasty. After this Accession, nothing has changed politically for forty years. In 1981 the CM changed. We did note that some unpleasantness was taking place in the family.
As Gibbon says, history is the record of the “crimes, follies, and disasters of mankind.” Let me recap the lessons of Sarawak history as I see them under these three heads.
The signal disasters Sarawak suffered in the 20th century were two. A weak, irresponsible, unimaginative and vain rajah came to power. He neglected to care for what was entrusted to him and he refused to let anyone take up that trust. Then when the Japanese were defeated, Sarawak became the spoils of an imperialistic power. Her fate was taken from her hands, and Sarawak became a little piece in the great, big important game of the Cold War.
Things without number come under the class of follies. If the British thought they were establishing democracy here, they were quite mistaken. The British could never quit the habits of behaving as if superior, of ordering people around and wanting to have everything their
way.They rushed out of Sarawak in unseemly haste after having prepared a régime that would stay attached to British interests (i.e. not Communist), but with no clear plan for the welfare of Sarawak’s people. George Bush is a recent example of the same unconcern.
The Brits essentially left Sarawak naked and defenseless against the first opportunist to come along. So now we consider crimes. That first opportunist was Malaya. The Malay élite feels only contempt for Others (especially brown people who are not Muslims) and they reasoned that Sarawak’s resources should go to real human beings who deserve them.
It was not going to be easy for KL to colonize Sarawak without a partner in crime, an insider. Ya’kub (sic) and Taib presented themselves at the first opportunity. From a young age Taib shaped his career to one end, the acquisition of absolute authority over Sarawak and its resources. Unlike many cunning men, he achieved his plan. In the devil’s arts of creating and using division, distrust, hate, and greed, he is a master. As for the art of deception, I don’t know. Many of us have smelled him from long ago, and didn’t like what they smellt, but Taib certainly can gull a mark. In the process Taib has beggared us, destroyed many, many lives and rendered this beautiful state a waste land.
See also:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 and
Part 4.
In exchange for Federal Power & 95% Petroleum Revenue, UMNO Allows Taib To Go On Asset-Stripping Orgy
Sarawak Voters and 'Orang Malaya'
Pak Bui
But there are still those bloggers and internet commentators who refuse to take concrete steps to support Sarawakians’ efforts to improve their government. These ‘Orang Malaya’ are all talk and no action. They sneer that Sarawakians are ignorant and ‘deserve the government’ we have, and ‘should not complain’ when the BN government vandalises our state.
It is true enough that many Sarawakians lack awareness, and many are easily bought over come voting time. It is also true, though, that Taib’s firm grip on the state for three decades has been made possible only by the overwhelming might of Umno and successive federal BN governments.
These BN governments have been voted into power in every single election since 1955, thanks to the perennial support of peninsular Malaysians. We remember how Mahathir, and even Abdullah Badawi, won landslide elections in the past.
But it is not too late for us Sarawakians to learn from the mistakes of our past, as well as those of peninsular Malaysians. We must start with working together to remove the dictatorship of Umno and PBB, and the tyranny of blinkered racial politics.
Pakatan Rakyat needs to invest in Sarawak, both politically and economically, and put its money where its mouth is.
All Malaysians must come together to work for justice in Sarawak, both during the state polls, as well as afterwards. Nation building does not only happen during general elections.
Pakatan Rakyat must promise, and deliver, transparent and equitable use of development funds in Sabah and Sarawak. There must be an end to the lopsided use of natural resources: oil royalties must be returned to these two poor states.
The current neo-colonial relationship between west and east brings dishonour and shame to all parties: peninsular Malaysians, Sabahans and Sarawakians.
Malaysians have turned their eyes away from the horror of corruption and poverty in Sabah and Sarawak for too long.
Whenever I am troubled by this neglect, I am reminded of a short story by the great Chinese writer Lu Xun, called “New Year’s Sacrifice”. The story has been translated into English by Julia Lovell, in The Real Story of Ah-Q and Other Tales of China.
In Lu Xun’s tale, a maidservant, known only as ‘Xianglin’s wife’, has been widowed twice. Therefore, she is considered to bring bad luck to those around her. She gains sympathy initially when she tells her fellow villagers, again and again, the story of how she lost her three year old son, how he had been taken and killed by wolves.
Part of the story is reproduced below:
Her story certainly had an impact on those who heard it. Men would walk awkwardly away, the smirk fading from their faces, while women exchanged their looks of contempt for sympathetic profusions of tears. Some old women – those who hadn’t heard her recitation about town – would seek her out specially to hear her tragic story. When she broke into sobs, their own tears, ready at the corners of their eyes, would also gush out; then, with a sigh, they would leave, perfectly satisfied and still discussing it animatedly among themselves.
Over and over she repeated it, gathering small groups of listeners about her. But soon everyone knew it too well – from memory – and even the town’s most devout lady Buddhists were left unmoved. The moment she began, her audiences felt only irritation.
‘I was so stupid –’
‘Yes, yes, you knew wolves came down into the villages when it snowed, because there was nothing to eat in the mountains,’ they would impatiently interrupt before stalking off.
She would stand there, mouth hanging stupidly open, watching as they distanced themselves, before moving on herself – as if she, too, were bored with her own tragedy. - Hornbill Unleashed
Pak Bui
The paradox of Sarawak’s upcoming election campaign lies in the dependency of PBB on Umno and Umno on PBB, or indeed on any subordinate Sarawakian BN party that can deliver thirtysomething parliamentary seats to keep Umno in power.
Umno needs Sarawakian BN seats to stay in power, to keep raking in the money. RM40 billion for a Mass Rail Transit mega-project, RM5 billion for a 100-storey mega-tower in a congested part of KL, RM12.5 billion for PKFZ mega-blackhole, RM7.3 billion for the Bakun white elephant, the sums available for “leakage” are dizzying.
You can see in your mind’s eye, the smiling fat-cat licking his pink lips, at the thought of all the handbags he will buy for his scary wife. You can imagine the dazzle of diamonds encrusting the soles (sic) of her shoes.
In return for power at federal level, and 95% of oil royalties, Umno has left Taib and PBB to do anything they want in Sarawak – and Taib has obliged, indulging in a 30 year orgy of asset-stripping.
But here is the paradox: during the campaign, PBB will still preach that a vote for the DAP or PKR is a vote for ‘Orang Malaya’, for so-called ‘peninsular parties’. It is a tribute to Taib’s ability to divide and rule, and to keep so many Sarawakians poor and semi-literate, that many Sarawakians still believe him and will vote for BN.
And here is another paradox: some peninsular Malaysians, angry that Sarawakians and Sabahans voted overwhelmingly for BN in 2008, allowing BN to cling to power, call us “stupid” and “hopeless”.
They are happy to complain, but will not lift a finger to help remove Taib from power. And therefore they will not be surprised if they do not see the electoral result they hope for.
Showing concern for Sarawakians
There are notable exceptions among the ‘Orang Malaya’.
Suaram, the Center for Orang Asli Concerns, the Women’s Aid Organisation, the Women’s Centre for Change, the Bar Council and NGOs in the Penan Support Group have worked to highlight the suffering of Sarawakian girls raped by loggers.
The Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Halls have launched a donation drive to build two pre-schools in Penan villages in middle Baram.
The resourceful Democracy4Now mavericks have traveled tirelessly to remote hamlets in Sarawak to register voters in an effort to empower them. Malaysian Election Observers Net (MEO-Net) have shown tenacity in trying to preserve the democratic potential of one man, one vote.
Journalists have turned the fickle attention of all Malaysians on injustice in Sarawak, at least for a while.
The state governments of Penang, under the DAP, and Selangor, under PKR, have also pooled funds to alleviate the hardship of Penans in middle and upper Baram, caused by the plague of loggers released by Taib.
All talk and no action
But there are still those bloggers and internet commentators who refuse to take concrete steps to support Sarawakians’ efforts to improve their government. These ‘Orang Malaya’ are all talk and no action. They sneer that Sarawakians are ignorant and ‘deserve the government’ we have, and ‘should not complain’ when the BN government vandalises our state.
It is true enough that many Sarawakians lack awareness, and many are easily bought over come voting time. It is also true, though, that Taib’s firm grip on the state for three decades has been made possible only by the overwhelming might of Umno and successive federal BN governments.
These BN governments have been voted into power in every single election since 1955, thanks to the perennial support of peninsular Malaysians. We remember how Mahathir, and even Abdullah Badawi, won landslide elections in the past.
But it is not too late for us Sarawakians to learn from the mistakes of our past, as well as those of peninsular Malaysians. We must start with working together to remove the dictatorship of Umno and PBB, and the tyranny of blinkered racial politics.
Pakatan Rakyat needs to invest in Sarawak, both politically and economically, and put its money where its mouth is.
All Malaysians must come together to work for justice in Sarawak, both during the state polls, as well as afterwards. Nation building does not only happen during general elections.
Pakatan Rakyat must promise, and deliver, transparent and equitable use of development funds in Sabah and Sarawak. There must be an end to the lopsided use of natural resources: oil royalties must be returned to these two poor states.
The current neo-colonial relationship between west and east brings dishonour and shame to all parties: peninsular Malaysians, Sabahans and Sarawakians.
Malaysians have turned their eyes away from the horror of corruption and poverty in Sabah and Sarawak for too long.
Whenever I am troubled by this neglect, I am reminded of a short story by the great Chinese writer Lu Xun, called “New Year’s Sacrifice”. The story has been translated into English by Julia Lovell, in The Real Story of Ah-Q and Other Tales of China.
In Lu Xun’s tale, a maidservant, known only as ‘Xianglin’s wife’, has been widowed twice. Therefore, she is considered to bring bad luck to those around her. She gains sympathy initially when she tells her fellow villagers, again and again, the story of how she lost her three year old son, how he had been taken and killed by wolves.
Part of the story is reproduced below:
Her story certainly had an impact on those who heard it. Men would walk awkwardly away, the smirk fading from their faces, while women exchanged their looks of contempt for sympathetic profusions of tears. Some old women – those who hadn’t heard her recitation about town – would seek her out specially to hear her tragic story. When she broke into sobs, their own tears, ready at the corners of their eyes, would also gush out; then, with a sigh, they would leave, perfectly satisfied and still discussing it animatedly among themselves.
Over and over she repeated it, gathering small groups of listeners about her. But soon everyone knew it too well – from memory – and even the town’s most devout lady Buddhists were left unmoved. The moment she began, her audiences felt only irritation.
‘I was so stupid –’
‘Yes, yes, you knew wolves came down into the villages when it snowed, because there was nothing to eat in the mountains,’ they would impatiently interrupt before stalking off.
She would stand there, mouth hanging stupidly open, watching as they distanced themselves, before moving on herself – as if she, too, were bored with her own tragedy. - Hornbill Unleashed
Old Warrior Salleh Smells More Opportunities For Some Change
Malaysian Mirror - Ex-Sarawak strongman Salleh set to join the fray
Sarawak Headhunter's comments:
Salleh was one of the multi-millionaires created by Rahman in the 70's, reputed to have cash assets of RM60 million at that time, which he declared as RM6 million when he was made Deputy Education Minister (earning him the sobriquet "The 6 Million Dollar Man").
Sarawak Headhunter's comments:
Salleh was one of the multi-millionaires created by Rahman in the 70's, reputed to have cash assets of RM60 million at that time, which he declared as RM6 million when he was made Deputy Education Minister (earning him the sobriquet "The 6 Million Dollar Man").
A gambler by nature, he reportedly lost 1 million GBP in a London casino in 1 night in the mid 70's. He is well known to be very stingy, calculative and cunning amongst his own relatives, let alone with outsiders, notwithstanding "blood being thicker than water". In his case it is probably money being thicker than blood.
Sarawakians who know him better will take anything he says with more than a pinch of salt. He is really more for the politics of self-interest than change. Hopefully he can change himself before trying to change others, but Sarawak Headhunter doesn't put too much hope in that.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Allah Has Spoken! Time To Hound Taib Out Of Sarawak!
This is probably the greatest "natural" disaster to hit Sarawak for as long as anyone can remember, and the root cause of it is none other than Taib, his family and their timber robber baron cronies' greed.
They certainly didn't expect this. What have environmentalists and concerned citizens been saying all this while? Taib and his cronies haven't been listening! They have been too busy raping the forests and the Penans and other natives as well and chasing them off their land while making BILLIONS for themselves! And they thought they could get away with it!
Well folks, the time has come! Allah has spoken and unleashed a "natural" disaster the likes of which has never before been seen in Sarawak! And the responsibility for this disaster is plain and clear for the whole world to see. The evidence has jammed up the Rejang river and threatens to cause greater damage as it moves inexorably downstream.
Taib and his timber robber barons as well as all those responsible for building the Bakun Dam should be roped to these timber logs and sent downstream with the deluge.
At the very least, now is the time to hound them all out of Sarawak! Give no quarter! Then go after them and all the rakyat's assets which they have stolen and hidden away overseas. Even that might not be enough to compensate for the damage caused by the calamity which is now unfolding before our very eyes.
Anyone still left supporting Taib and his cronies and the BN regime after this is certifiably insane and should be deprived of his right to vote or to hold any office. That includes you, Najib!
See also The Star "River disaster hits Sarawak" and Hornbill Unleashed "Log-jammed river disaster unfolding in Sarawak - Now in Sibu!".
See also The Star "River disaster hits Sarawak" and Hornbill Unleashed "Log-jammed river disaster unfolding in Sarawak - Now in Sibu!".
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Let Them Eat Cow Dung! Putrajaya Isn't Listening!
From Malaysiakini Letters "We are tired, Putrajaya. Get it?" Jayenjr Sep 24, 10 1:53pm:
I refer to the article If it's a problem, don't recognise it. Somebody had to state the obvious on the latest Idris Jala show, and I think Kee Thuan Chye did a good job at that. There was a time - not too long ago - when fancy PowerPoint presentations would mesmerise and sell but no longer these days, though.
For all the GTP, ETP, KPI, SRI show etc, I want to ask the PM and Idris Jala one thing:- why is it that my ringgit continues to shrink these days? Just listen to the hordes of young couples who struggle to afford a decent landed property in Klang Valley. In agreeing with Kee's perspective, I would like to borrow if I may, from the words of a lady who told off President Barrack Obama a few days ago, that she was tired of him, and apply it in within our local context:
Many of us are either middle class Malaysians or those who live below the poverty line. And quite frankly, we are tired. We are tired of being told to support this government when clearly it has been corrupt for the past 30 years and blew away at least US$100 billion of our money through wastage and corruption.
And we are tired of fancy presentations which continue to ignore this bane, and instead assumes that we are naïve enough to buy into a let-us-hold-our-hands kumbayah session, and, voila!, our problems will disappear. We are tired of being told that we are '1Malaysia' when in reality we are anything but '1Malaysia'.
It definitely is '2Malaysia' out there. We are tired of watching photo-op moments splashed out on the front pages of mainstream media, trying to get us to believe that this is '1Malaysia'. We are tired and disappointed of paying tax ringgit earned from our hard labor only to be told that our children can't get scholarships or places in universities, whilst we have to endure ministers who build mansions and enjoy expense paid luxury trips to wherever they fancy, with our money.
We are tired when relevant authorities continue to ignore what is so obvious – whether they ignore investigating a minister who is able to afford a mansion or why a young man who is about to get married supposedly commits suicide. We are tired that taxes and rates we pay do not guarantee our personal safety and security, and instead we have to fork out extra ringgit to put alarms, grills, and security guards.
We are tired because of the never-ending indecisiveness of our government leaders whilst they ask us to continue tolerating their lip service on 'improving things'. We are tired at being told to 'adjust' our lifestyles or that we would be bankrupt if we don't, whilst the same government continues to pussyfoot where it concerns lopsided privatization contracts or crony enrichment deals. We are tired of being passed around from one department to another just so that we can mercifully get approval for our business license. We are tired at the numerous barriers we have to put up with when conducting our businesses.
We are tired of having our religious freedom curbed and double standards practiced by immature individuals who are clearly doing it to score political mileage. We are tired of being reminded of May 13 time and again, when in all truthfulness - with our present day reality - we are just trying to make ends meet. We are tired of having to pay tolls at jam - clogged highways. We are tired of a public transport system that is so muddled up, they might as well give us bullock carts to ride.
We are tired of racist bigots that hide behind their so-called nationalistic masks. And we are tired of their continued tolerance from a government that wants us to believe we are '1Malaysia' instead. We are tired when real perpetrators such as cow-head protestors get sympathy from ministers who are supposed to be impartial and defend the defenceless.
We are tired of having politicians who run our country as though it is their birthright, when in truth, most of our present administration wouldn't cut it in any developed country. We are tired of seeing deadwood politicians still having a job and then condescend on us as though we owe it to them.
We are tired of being treated like naïve children in an age where the breathless pace of change and technology has enabled us to be well informed. We are tired of hearing of the various programs from our government about transformation when, quite frankly, we do not see or feel any tangible transformation, in spite of a new man being at the helm for more than a year.
We are tired of being taken for granted time and again, as though we do not have our breaking point. Putrajaya, we are tired. Are you one day going to say to us, like Marie Antoinette, 'Let them eat cake'?
Friday, September 24, 2010
Taib Mahmud - Racun Masyarakat Sarawak

The steps recommended by Robert Laing Anyie to be taken by his boss and all such other persons are especially relevant.
Can We Believe Azmin's Promises?
From Malaysiakini "Zaid won't be left out, promises Azmin", with commentary by Sarawak Headhunter in red.
PKR "newbie" Zaid Ibrahim is assured of a place in the party regardless of the outcome of the party elections this November, declared his deputy presidential rival Azmin Ali.
How magnanimous, yet how hypocritical. Having sabotaged Zaid in Hulu Selangor, whacked him inside out in the run-up to the party elections, using dirty tactics reminiscent of UMNO, he now expects us to believe that he will be generous in victory. What power would he have as Deputy President to make such a promise any way, unless the President and the General Head of the party were mere puppets of his?
Really? Those who have been on the receiving end of party intrigues engineered by the so-called "loyal" ex-UMNO/BN and ABIM factions in PKR would say otherwise.
"I have great respect for Zaid. He has strength that will help the party, and I believe that if I am accepted as deputy president, Zaid will get an important role to continue to help consolidate and prepare the party for the next general elections... this is not a political pronouncement, but my commitment to work with Zaid and other colleagues," he said.
If only he really meant what he says. All his recent pronouncements indicate otherwise and have shown just how much "respect" he has for Zaid.
He makes a political pronouncement and says it is not one. Does he know what he is talking about or is he just trying to portray a (false) sense of sincerity.
Azmin, who has so far secured nominations as number two from 43 out of 80 party divisions that have so far held their annual general meetings, stressed that winning posts in the November party elections is not the be all and end all in PKR, with the winners' responsibilities going far beyond sitting in a high chair.
If this was true, then why has he and his group of supporters (mostly wannabe re-appointed MPs and State Assemblymen who depend on his and Anwar's decisions whether they will be re-appointed or not) gone to the extent of an all-out war against Zaid?
He repeatedly emphasised the importance of loyalty to the party, forged in the political fires that have moulded what he considered upstanding characters such as outgoing deputy president Syed Husin Ali, as a key quality for a leader to take charge of the 12-year-old political outfit.
Is he trying to say that Zaid, being a relative new-comer in PKR, is not loyal to the party, a traitor even? Is this why he has sponsored the blog, to "save" the party from Zaid the "outsider"? One wonders really whether the party needs saving from Zaid or from Azmin himself.
Does he really think that Zaid is unaware of or doesn't understand the "struggles and aspirations" of the party and its "core objectives"? Does Azmin himself understand them or is he merely paying lip-service to them in his over-ambitious grab for this top post?
Didn't he and Anwar not understand the struggles and aspirations of UMNO and its key objectives when they were in UMNO? Or were they not also fooled by UMNO like the rest of us?
Well Azmin, we, like Zaid, certainly know what PKR is all about, but it's people like you within PKR we are not so sure about.
If he was really for "Reformasi", why is he not showing it in his attitude, speeches and pronouncements? Or is "Reformasi" only just another stepping-stone to fulfill his own personal agenda? Will the whole 400,000 membership of PKR be taken in by Azmin's hypocrisy and insincerity? The whole of Malaysia hopes not, and Sarawak doesn't count on being taken in by it.
Azmin, who is currently party vice-president, said this is important in view of allegations by a certain group of "new members" in the party that president Wan Azizah Wan Ismail is a "puppet president" and that Azmin himself had ordered his agents to pay off bloggers to disparage Zaid, among others.
Wan Azizah has never really been a "politician" as such and has always been or allowed herself to be a puppet president from the time when Chandra Muzaffar, the Deputy President, ran (or mis-ran) the party, not her. This is a fact.
And now Azmin is trying to do the same thing, or is it Anwar using Azmin to do the same thing to create another buffer between himself and the other members of PKR? Divide and rule is an old tactic of all political masters.
Is Azmin a political master or a tool who now wants to collect on his reward for loyalty to Anwar (rather than the party)?
Is PKR greater than Anwar (and Azmin) or will PKR allow itself to be dominated by Anwar (and Azmin)? Only its own members can decide.
Zaid, who joined PKR about a year after quitting his post as minister in the Prime Minister's Department in charge of law and getting sacked from Umno in 2008, had said in his blog last week that Wan Azizah was merely a "puppet president" as the real power lay with her husband, Anwar, as the party's de-facto chief.
Zaid however continued to wag his finger at Anwar, claiming that Wan Azizah's position as president is continuously undermined by her husband's de-facto position, arguing that it disrespects the party constitution and will reflect badly on the party.
Confusing, isn't it Zaid? But that's the way it is. You were right the first time - Anwar is the real power in the party, not the President. The Deputy President is the one next in line, not the President!
THAT is why they are so desperate to keep Zaid out of the equation, so as not to let an "outsider" they don't or cannot control to upset this cosy arrangement.
Zaid's no fool either and he shouldn't ignore the fact that Anwar is the de-facto "President" of the party and will need a Deputy President whom he and the other members can depend on to run the party. Zaid should put himself forward as that man and make himself more reliable than Azmin, who will merely be a yes-man.
'PKR not a lab rat'
Azmin showed some annoyance with Zaid's contention that Anwar being de-facto chief demeans Wan Azizah's presidency, and defended the decision to create the post for Anwar as a collective decision by members during the last party elections in Kemaman, Terengganu in 2007.
He added that PKR never makes unilateral decision as it practices a culture of muafakat or cooperation, taking into account every possible view before a decision is made on consensus.
"I wish to remind all candidates that the culture we have in Keadilan was built over 12 years. We have our own culture, new politics, a new approach that is clean and democratic.
Why is it that this so-called "clean and democratic" approach seems to be missing from Azmin's own campaign?
Instead of trying to influence the members through unfair, unethical and downright dirty tactics and means, why not just let them decide in the true spirit of consensus and democracy?
"We did not build this culture through experimentation, we developed our own culture in the last decade through the conscience of the majority.
Neither is Malaysia. Isn't this the typical UMNO argument?
"We can't have people coming in yesterday and suddenly decide to revamp (the country), start experimenting... you will destroy the nation. Malaysia is not a lab rat". Najib will be delighted to latch on to that one.
Will experimenting with Zaid destroy the party? Sarawak Headhunter doesn't think so. It will probably make the party stronger and enhance its appeal to the electorate. Zaid is not a rival to Anwar, even if that is how Azmin wants to portray it.
Rather than undermining the way the party currently works, he said it is more meaningful to beef up the party's strengths and improve on its weaknesses to face the challenges to come, the most pressing being the next general elections.
This is where Zaid is needed more than Azmin.
And it is here that Azmin believes he can help the party should he be elected as deputy president, with his manifesto to set the "Reformasi Agenda to Putrajaya".
Zaid can probably do this better.
Three focus areas
Azmin's manifesto, which he expects to release within the next two weeks, will be based on three key aspects - reinvigorating members' ideals in the party struggle, party loyalty and unity, and tightening up the party's administration and inner workings.
He stressed that it is important to build on the three aspects in tandem if the party is to move forward, but placed particular emphasis on the first aspect as the main driver for the party's growth.
"It is important for members to hold on to ideals... politics without ideals will only remain as an undertaking of low morals and an uncharismatic profession," he said.
Talk is cheap. We have yet to see any of Azmin's much-vaunted "ideals" at work, and where is the charisma? Let's not talk about the morality of the attacks against Zaid.
Azmin however played down talk of his taking the lead in the deputy presidential race, saying that the high number of nominations he received is not necessarily reflective of support at the grassroots level.
Let's hope the grassroots of PKR have the collective wisdom to make the right decision.
Yes, good tactic that one, entirely orchestrated of course, in the hope that Zaid would believe that it was futile to contest - a lesser opponent than Zaid would probably have given up.
Taking the example of United States president Barack Obama (left), Azmin pointed out that the then presidential candidate received numerous open declarations of support from artists, business owners and community leaders, and believes it is a healthy practice as it encourages party members to keep things above board.
Obama now are we? That could make Anwar nervous! Azmin is deliberately ignoring the fact that an open nation-wide Presidential election is completely different from a closed party election, even one in which all members are voting. In principle of course it is a good practice, but not where it is used as part of a dirty campaign, which is what Azmin's campaign is.
The more the merrier
When asked what he thought of the possibility of more candidates widening the field in the party's deputy presidential race, Azmin said it would be a strong indication that PKR is on the right track in promoting democracy within the party.
He's actually quite nervous about this but he's not going to show it is he? He's probably more worried about Khalid Ibrahim becoming a candidate rather than Zaid Ibrahim (since Zaid has said he would not contest if Khalid becomes a candidate).
"At one time, there was hardly any interest from members to hold party posts, what more the rakyat to join Keadilan. Today, we have up to eight-way contests happening... I see this as a positive, but I must remind candidates to uphold their ethics," he said.
Like Azmin himself of course. What were his ethics again?
Good to split the votes in Azmin's favour of course.
He however sidestepped a question on how he rates his chances, emphasising that it is all left in the hands of the grassroots members.
"I'm very thankful for the support I've been given. It is very encouraging but I will not be complacent or take the easy way. I will present my 'report card' to the grassroots and explain my manifesto to them as I believe the members should make an informed decision when they make their choice.
"I just hope that when they make their choice, it is based on the work record of the candidate and that they heed our senior leader Syed Husin Ali's advice to choose leaders who are loyal and have been tested," he said.
Loyal to whom or to what - the person or the party or the principles (of reform)? Tested by what? Is Zaid not loyal? Has Zaid not been tested? Let's put them both to the test!
Members of PKR, decide wisely!
For Sarawakian and Sabahan members, you have no choice but to vote for Zaid.
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