8 hours ago
In the Jungle of Cyberspace - Fierce and Fearless Defender of the Poor, the Downtrodden, the Dispossessed and the Oppressed Sarawakians - INDEPENDENCE FOR SARAWAK - HQ FOR THE REPUBLIC OF SARAWAK
The Roots of Violence:
wealth without work,
pleasure without conscience,
knowledge without character,
commerce without morality,
science without humanity,
worship without sacrifice,
politics without principles.
- Mahatma Gandhi
One man's greed has brought untold misery and suffering to so many innocent simple folks. What have they done to deserve this? Taib and his family will pay dearly for their sins if not in this world, it will certainly be in the next.
"shong, di Mac 19th, 2009 pada 12:43 pm Kata:
sokong!!! “tak nak, najis!!!”
and i have an idea. i think we can’t oppose him directly as he will use all the government agencies to frame us, the simpliest way, ISA. why don’t we use the hindraf tactic? you know to attack a dummy and let it rebound and hit him hard on his face!!!
in this case, let’s launch a campaign “boycott France!!!” as the France newspaper which reported on the altantuya case has badly tarnished our country image at the international level!!! make it a big huha!!! invite all the international medias during the launching!!!
under the name of protect the country integrity and image, we urge the france to apologize or to show proof. and the government can’t do anything to us but to co-operate and to clear our country image.
do you think it can work?"
Sarawakians, time to NOT be SIMPLE FOLKS anymore. If you continue to be simple, then you are selling away your children's future. No one held a gun to your head to vote BN!!
Wake up!
My gosh, there are considered as bumiputras and they do not have identity cards? What the fuck is all this?
Taib Mahmud"s family has drained Sarawak"s wealth dry for the past 30 years.Who is to bell the cat? The police,the judiciary and now the MACC has become branch of UMNO.If thorough investigations (without fear or favour) could be carried-out on the Taib Mahmud"s family as mentioned by the AlJazeera"s reporters - all of the(The Mafia"s Family) will be behind bars.
" it's open tender process..the best will get it"
yeah right, as if other companies could rival CMS aka the largest company in the state. This guy doesn't really answer all the questions. It only makes a mockery of himself. How sad for sarawak and malaysia.
typical bn politicians - lying thru their teeth just so they can continue scamming the people.
however, surprisingly those who got screwed innumerous times still fell for this.
James Masing is not the scrificial lamb, he is actually of the same types and spicies.....
Taib and his family is raping the virgin jungle of Sarawak and nobody can stop them becos'the people are not educated as they do not even have any identification papers. The people do not understand politics and Taib high handed tactics are used to devour and exploit the wealth of Sarawak. So, God please help the people of Sarawak before they are milked dry by Taib and his cronies. All the wealth of Taib and family as well as his cronies are already transfered overseas as they know sooner or later they will be booted out of Sarawak like President Marcos.
James Masing, Alfred Jabu and George Chan, aka The Three Stooges have perfected the art of telling lies to the rakyat without batting an eyelid. But that was child's play, as spinning yarn to simple folks in the kampung and longhouse is easy as telling fairy tales. But under the glare of TV lightings and video camera whirring, James Masing displayed the look of a nervous dog cornered by dog catchers, obviously squirming and shifty eyed, glum and head spinning and seem to think in between speech: "what the f--k am I going to say? This f--king lady is too f--king good" or "wtf, why did I accept this interview in the first place?"
"I really need to take out my hankerchief to wipe my sweat, but..."
Its amazing that despite countless efforts (especially by foreign correspondents, since the local media is all too obsessed with blowing smoke up the government's rear end), this kind of crap still thrives in this country. There's this new series called 'Lie to Me'; after watching a few episodes, its pretty easy to spot when someone's not telling the truth....and this guy...yeah you guessed it...ain't telling the truth!
..... this kind of crap still thrives in this country ...
Because we vote them in. To stop it, vote PR
James Masing certainly knows how to bullshit! Get Taib and James Masing to the more intelligent voters of Kuching and other major towns of Sarawak and then you will get the true verdict of the people.
Sarawak rural folks were and will be fooled to vote for the same fools like George Chan and James Masing who will sell themselves to Taib. Sad destiny for Sarawakians!
After parting with the monies for taxes, royalties, etc, Sarawakians forget that these are their contributions to developments. When these monies are 'pocketed', no Sarawakian feels the pinch! For the rural folks, this is comprehensible. What about he educated ones? It is an insult because we still vote the same burglars into offices who submit themselves to Taib, the Chief Burglar!
Can someone (maybe George, Jabu or James)PLEASE tell me how to become Taib's family members? I would like to take over the place of his brother-in-law, Aziz Hussien. I think I am smarter than him to lead SEB. I will propose 128,000 HEP dams to Taib to cover every sq km of Sarawak, including rehabilitating those failed HEP's by SESCO! I can help Taib to recover all losses he suffered outside Sarawak during the recent global recession.
these Penan people don't have an identity card so they don't have a voice against Taib.
I live overseas now and I still regards Kuching as my home but it saddens me every time I go back to visit and I see signs of Taib's greed everywhere.
and this is OPEN KNOWLEDGE to all people in Sarawak, and outside of Sarawak too.
Taib and family should has no heart of a human or any heart at all... Smart and intelligent sarawakians are being kicked out from the country. anyone who speaks badly anout the Taibs will be killed or something serious will happen to there are Tai Taibs (Taibs Shit @ Taibs dogs) lurking around...worse they don't even work, yet they can have a very good life....
Poor sarawakians.....
Just curious and still scratching my head as to how on earth Brokenshield & Miss Kepayang accurately predicted on Jawah candidacy. They must be very influencial group in PKR, even Dayak Baru didn’t quite get there.From now on better trust them
for accurate & reliable political info. So confident were they that they dared to announce it days ahead of DSAI.
Now they are already predicting that Jawah is going to win the battle by not less than 400 votes, better believed.
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