Friday, July 30, 2010

SCORE - Sarawak Cronies' Orgy of Relentless Embezzlement

"Abdul Taib Mahmud is surrounded by sycophants. They hang on his every word and extol his every move.

The media, controlled by the  government and its affiliated logging firms, invariably report his policies and speeches as works of genius.

The Borneo Post reported that Taib had delivered a “keynote address” to the Said Business School in Oxford, quoting his rather banal and wordy speech extensively.  Perhaps Taib’s speechwriters had something original to say, but if so, I found it indecipherable, even after reading the report twice.

The newspaper mentioned meekly at the end of the article that the conference was organised by the Said Business School together with Tanjung Manis Halal Hub, a component of the Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy (SCORE). This means the people of Sarawak, through SCORE and the government, paid for the conference and for the lavish holiday of Taib’s retinue of press and ministers. 

I might point out that one meaning of “score” is to “cut, slash, mark or notch”. SCORE will definitely leave its mark, or scar, on Sarawak, long after Taib is dead and gone (and unmourned).

The theft of natural resources, the loss of taxpayers’ hard-earned money to the Sarawak Cronies’ Orgy of Relentless Embezzlement, and the environmental destruction wrought by the mega-projects and their associated corruption, will burden us for many years".

See the rest of this article by Pak Bui at Hornbill Unleashed "Taib Mahmud: through the looking glass".

1 comment:

Vista Albino said...

Like yr new acronym
My version - Sinister CoverUp Of Rakyat's Entitlements